Monday, January 27, 2014

Petersburg Mi wall prep

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Here are the pics from the final stages of the wall prep! The electrical is all roughed in, and Im just about ready to hang the cherry!!!
As far as the electrical - Ive made accomodations for a large tv and all the accessories. Ive added some blocking to the wall for the tv mount, which is a large swivel arm. Ive also added an 1-1/2" pvc pipe behind the wall so the owner can route the wires from one shelf to another without the wires being seen!
The owner has decided that she wants the left side to be multiple shelves, with paneled doors. This will be a nice effect!
You can now see the durorock backer that Ive installed for the tile guy. The tile around the fireplace and below the hearth is a special order and will take some time to get in.
I expect to do the closet work on Monday, and hopefully start hanging the new cherry a day or two later!!! Keep watching!

TedsWoodworking Plans and Projects

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